Buenos Aires, October 7 – Central Puerto S.A.
(“Central Puerto”) (BYMA: CEPU), the largest private sector power generation company in Argentina, measured by the energy generated, announced the Commercial Qualification of its new Luján de Cuyo cogeneration unit with a capacity installed of up to 95.32 MW (net power), as of October 5, 2019 at 0:00 a.m. The cogeneration unit began its commercial operation 7 weeks before the original commitment date (November 22, 2019)
The plant will sell, under 15-year contracts:
• Energy and power under a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) executed with CAMMESA within the framework of the tender carried out under Res. SEE 287/17, and
• Steam under a private contract between Central Puerto and its client.
With the inclusion of the new Luján de Cuyo cogeneration plant, the company’s consolidated installed capacity increased by 2.3%, currently totaling 4,234 MW.